Psalm 8: Indispensable

Indispensable | Sunday, July 28, 2024

Psalm 8

  1. Read Psalm 8 with Genesis 1:37-31. What does it mean that God gave humanity dominion over the creation?

  2. How is humanity doing at this purpose given to us by God?

  3. Read Hebrews 2:6-10 and Philippians 2:5-9. How is Jesus the fulfillment of Psalm 8 and our example of how to fulfill the purpose God has given us?

  4. Read the following Scriptures and consider how Jesus demonstrates the way of God’s Kingdom over the world that humanity has built.

    • Luke 21:1-4

    • Luke 8:43-48

    • Luke 13:10-17

    • Luke 5:29-32

    • Luke 19:1-10

    • Luke 15:11-32

    • John 4:1-30

    • Matt 26:36-46

    • John 21:15-17

  5. Consider your life and place. Where does God have you? What is your vocation? Who are the people you interact with on a regular basis? What influence do you have?

  6. What does it look like to follow Jesus right now where you are?


Psalm 9-10: Why Does God Allow Evil?


Psalm 7: Repent and Live Free