Learning to Follow Jesus, Together!
First time? What to expect:
On your child’s first visit, please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before the service starts and head to the Journey Kids check-in desk. One of our check-in volunteers will collect some basic information about your family and child, and enter it into our secure check-in system.
From then on, each time your family checks in for Journey Kids, both you and your child will receive a security sticker with a matching 4-digit code, valid only for that day. We ask that your child wear this sticker visibly on clothing at all times while in a Journey Kids classroom. (We also offer additional stickers to label diaper bags, personal items, etc.).
Kids ages 6 months-3 years old will be dropped off to their classroom immediately after checking in.
Children aged 4-12 will participate in main worship. Afterward, they will be dismissed to meet their dedicated teachers in the lobby area. Together, they will head to their age-appropriate classrooms.
After dropping your child off, relax and enjoy the service! Our Journey Kids volunteers serve to ensure your child(ren) are well taken care of, and have a great experience while in our care. However, if you are needed, we will display your 4-digit code on the monitor in service to alert you. Please be attentive to the screens throughout the service; and if your number is displayed, head to the Journey Kids area to speak with a leader. You will also receive a text message from us.
You will be asked to show your security sticker to one of your child’s room volunteers and they will then match the number on your child’s sticker to the number on your sticker, prior to releasing them.
If you happen to misplace your security sticker during service, proper identification will be required in order to match you and your child in our system before they are released.
We do extensive background checks on our volunteers and have a thorough registration system to ensure that your children are safe and cared for. Volunteers experience policy and procedure training, receive consistent feedback, and are encouraged through gospel-centered teaching.
For additional information about our Well Child Policy, Allergies, Children with Medical Conditions, and Security procedures please contact our Children’s Ministry Director by clicking here.