Psalm 9-10: Why Does God Allow Evil?

Why Does God Allow Evil? | Sunday, August 4, 2024

Psalm 9-10

  1. Read Psalm 9-10. Journal through the emotional rollar coaster of these Psalms. When does David cry out to God? When does David question God? When does David remind Himself of the truth?

  2. When you are facing deep emotional turmoil like anger or grief, how do you approach God with that? Have you typically seen God as someone who can handle that?

  3. Why does David not offer an answer to his question in Psalm 10:1

  4. Read Matthew 13:24-30. How might this Scripture help us with the question from Psalm 10:1?

  5. Why is it dangerous to never offer our true selves and all of our emotional volatility to God? How might that plant seeds of bitterness and unbelief?

  6. Why is it good news to us personally that God is patient and gives time for redemption?

  7. How do we join God’s mission of redemption, even in the face of evil?


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