The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 7 “Sex and Marriage”

The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt. 7

“Sex and Marriage”

  1. How do you define marriage? Where do you get your definition from? What is God’s defintion?

  2. How is understanding God’s view of marriage “formative” for our relationship to God whether we are married or not?

  3. How could our relationship with Jesus be encouraged by understanding that we (the Church) are His bride? Name specific areas of your life this might encourage. Why is this encouraging?

  4. What is your view of sex? Where do you get that view? What is God’s design for sex?

  5. Why is it helpful to view sex in the marriage relationship like a sacrament (an outward sign of inward grace)?

  6. If you’re married, what does your marriage communicate about God to your spouse? If you’re not married, what did your parents’ marriage communicate about God to you? What message is being received by your marriage to those around you (kids, family, neighbors, coworkers)?

  7. How can you talk to your spouse about sex in a loving, gracious, and sacrifical way (husband and wife)? How can you recieve help and care when/if this is a struggle?

  8. If you’re not married, how does not having sex outside of marriage strengthen your faith? How can you recieve help and care when/if this is a struggle?


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