The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 8 “Singleness”

The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt. 8


  1. Read 1 Corinthians 7 and Matthew 19:11-12. How do you define singleness from these passages?

  2. How were you brought up to understand “singleness” in your family? If you grew up in the church, how did they teach on this subject?

  3. Does singleness mean “giving up intimacy” and “giving up family”? Why or why not? What do the Scriptures say to this?

  4. Why does Paul say “singleness” is a gift?

  5. What view does Jesus have of singleness? Does Jesus have a high or low view of singleness?

  6. How has the church struggled to help care for our single sisters and brothers? How has the church encouraged our single sisters and brothers?

  7. What reward does God say awaits those not married on earth? (Isaiah 56:3-5)

  8. How can this church grow in helping singles not miss out on experiencing the intimacy of being loved and cared for by God and one another? What practically could this look like? 


Foundations, Pt 1 - “What is the Gospel?”


The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 7 “Sex and Marriage”