Fight With Worship

Fight With Worship | Sunday, May 12, 2024

Isaiah 30

  1. Speaking in simple logical terms, why should faith bring calm to our soul in the midst of life’s storms?

  2. Why is it so difficult to have faith in God’s goodness, sovereignty, and promises in the midst of life’s storms?

  3. Read 2 Kings 18:13-25. The King of Assyria sends his official to deliver a message to Hezekiah. Who does this official mock Hezekiah for trusting in the middle of this conflict in v.21-25? (Hint: there are 2!)

  4. Study Isaiah 30 together... • In v.1-7, how does God feel about Judah’s alliance with Egypt? • Why is Judah’s actions an abandonment of the Word of God indicated by v.9-11? • What has God ultimately promised Judah in v.19-24?

  5. What is the difference between having wisdom in a storm and making an alliance with Egypt in a storm? • What alliances with Egypt have you made in your life?

  6. In Isaiah 30:29-32, there is a link between worship and trusting in the Lord to fight on our behalf.

    • Why is it important that we RETURN to the Lord in worship consistently?

    • How does worship help us RELEASE our alliances to Egypt?

    • How does worship help us REST for the week ahead in the promises of God (Isaiah 30:15a)


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