What Do You Want? | Sunday, May 5, 2024

Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 6:25-34, 1 Peter 5:7, James 4:1-2

1. We often say in the church that if we follow Jesus we may not be able to fix everything, but we can handle anything. Is this feasible?

2. Reflect on the 2020 Election (this is not a time to discuss candidates or issues). What was your experience within the church?

3. What worries do you have as we look to the 2024 election?

4. Read Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 6:25-34, and 1 Peter 5:7. What are we called to do with our worries and anxieties?

5. Read James 4:1-2. Which is condemned: wanting or not asking?

6. Why do you think being out of touch with the “wants” underneath our “worries” causes quarrels and fights in the church?

7. Take a few minutes of silence and write down the wants behind your answers to #3 above. Dig a little deeper than may seem comfortable. Would you be willing to share some of these answers with your group?

8. To refuse to cast our worries on God, is to ready our soul for war. But, to bring our wants to our church family, is to lay down our weapons. What would it look like for this to happen in this group?

9. Why would a church that is safe to be known (share our wants) be attractive to our unbelieving neighbors? 


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