Stories of Belief, Pt. 6

We begin a new series called Stories of Belief, where we look at seven signs Jesus performs as recorded in the gospel of John that reveal who Jesus is.



Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts on this question: When do you feel most distant from God? What have you done/not done? What are the circumstances?

2. Read John 9:1-5. Why do the disciples believe this man was blind? What was the reason Jesus said this man was born blind?

3. What is your honest reaction to John 9:6? Do you think you would have a hard time with this kind of ministry if you were one of the disciples?

4. Read the remainder of John 9 and Luke 5:12-16. What was the fundamental disconnect between Jesus and the rest of the Jews?

5. Read Hebrews 1:3 and Colossians 1:19. What does this story in John 9 tell us about the character of God?

6. Are you hesitant to allow God and His people (the body of Christ) to come close to the most difficult parts of your life? Do you prefer a religion that is in the realm of ritual and control over spit and mud? Why? How was this view of faith in Christ formed in you?

7. Curt Thompson said: “Jesus is not content to simply heal the parts of us that we have agreed with Him that He can have access to. He is coming for everything.” What parts of you do you not want Jesus and His people to have access to? 


Dirty Theology, Pt. 11


Stories of Belief, Pt. 5