Dirty Theology, Pt. 11

We continue our study in the letter of James. We have been unfaithful to God yet He repairs what we have ruptured. God gives more grace. It is from this grace we show grace to one another.


Read James 5:7-12. What is patience? What’s the difference between patience (vv.7 & 8) and steadfastness (v.11)? 

  1. Why is knowing Jesus is returning soon critical to being patient (v.8)? 

  2. How does the example of the farmer illustrate patience in our everyday lives today? What is the farmer relying on? What areas in your life cause you to lean towards impatience rather than patience? Why?

  3. How does “grumbling” against each other show a lack of love for others as well as a lack of trust in God? What does patience look like in our relationships within the church? With non-believers? 

  4. Read Job 23:8-10. How does suffering help us grow in patience (vv.10-11)? 

  5. Read Hebrews 12:2. How does looking at Jesus and remembering what He has done remind us that God is compassionate and merciful? How has Jesus been patient FOR us and WITH us? 


Stories of Belief, Pt. 7


Stories of Belief, Pt. 6