Stories of Belief, Pt. 5

We begin a new series called Stories of Belief, where we look at seven signs Jesus performs as recorded in the gospel of John that reveal who Jesus is.


PT. 5 | THE GOOD KING | JOHN 6:1-15

1.Read John 6:1-15. Why do you think the people wanted to make Jesus King after this? What kind of King did they want? Why does Jesus not let them?

2. Work through the dialogue between Jesus and the people in John 6:25-51. What was Jesus trying to teach? What were the people not understanding?

3. Why do you think some disciples left Jesus in John 6:66?

4. What is the difference between the twelve in John 6:67-69 and those who left Jesus? What have they come to believe about Jesus that the others didn’t?

5. What does it mean that Jesus Himself is the bread that will give us eternal life? What does it mean to “feed on Jesus?”

6. In what ways do we view Jesus as an earthy King who exists to serves our needs/desires instead of a King that we follow because we believe He will lead us to life?

7. What does it look like for our church community to be a place that encourages and exhorts one another to feed on Jesus rather than use Jesus?


Stories of Belief, Pt. 6


Dirty Theology, Pt. 10