Dirty Theology, Pt. 10

We continue our study in the letter of James. We have been unfaithful to God yet He repairs what we have ruptured. God gives more grace. It is from this grace we show grace to one another.


  1. Read James 4:13-14. What is James criticizing in these verses? What argument is he making to prove his point? 

  2. What does James say our view of “time” should be in light of following God? What attitude do we exhibit when thinking of time as ours rather than God’s? What is the difference between worldly planning versus godly planning? 

  3. Read James 4:15-17. How do we practically live out the counsel of James in v.15? What are ways we can subtly “boast in our arrogance”? 

  4. Why is knowing the right thing but not doing it a sin according to James? What does this look like for you?  

  5. Read James 5:1-6. James calls out those who trust in their riches instead of God. Where does living for wealth and money lead? How do we put our trust in God rather than wealth? 

  6. What does our relationship to money show us about the kingdom we are seeking to build? 

  7. Read John 6:48-51. How do we feed on Christ rather than the things of this world like money and possessions referred to in James 5:5?

  8. How does God deliver us from our sin of self-fulfillment and trust in the things of this world? Read James 1:5-6 and Romans 8:32. 


Stories of Belief, Pt. 5


Stories of Belief, Pt. 4