What God Wants For Us: MAKE HIS MARK

What God Wants For Us

Part 2: Make His Mark

  1. What is the purpose of religion?

  2. Does your answer ever feel disconnected from reality? 

  3. Read Genesis 1:27-28 & 2:15-20. What is the purpose that God gives to humanity? How do we “make God’s mark”  according to these passages?

  4. Read Genesis 11:3 and Ezekiel 34:4. Whose “mark” is being made in these texts? How does this play out in the world today? 

  5. Being “marked by God” and “making God’s mark” are two related truths. How can these sometimes feel like competing values? What side of the “gauge” do you find yourself on? Why do you think that is?

  6. What are some reasons why we don’t engage in “making God’s mark”?

          • Insecurity or inadaquacy in your faith? 

          • Fear of disappointing God and/or others? 

          • Doubt/unbelief in God’s love?


7. How can we remind each other we bear God’s image and that God wants us to join Him in living out our purpose here and now? How do we find the rest and the help to live in the green part of the gauge?


Maintaining Focus on Jesus


What God Wants For Us: Marked