Stand Sunday : Eyes Up

EYE’S UP | LUKE 10:25-37

1. Read Matthew 22:34-39 alongside of Matthew 25:31-46. How is the command to love God like the command to love neighbor?

2. Read Proverbs 14:31. Why does God not just want His people to abstain from oppression but actually work for justice?

3. Read Luke 10:25-37. What do you think was going on inside of the Priest and the Levite? Why did they not stop? Why were their “eyes down” and they didn’t have compassion for the man on the side of the road?

4. Read Numbers 6:24-26 and Psalm 34:15. What does it mean when God sets his eyes/face upon someone?

5. How do the actions of the Priest and Levite describe their relationship with God? What about the Samaritan?

6. How is our security in the love of God directly connected with our ability to have “eyes up” and love our neighbors well?

7. Why is it critical to our mission as a church and our ability to serve our community for this group to be a safe place to be known? Why is it critical that we minister the love of God to one another not just in our words but with our presence? 


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