Dirty Theology, Pt. 12

This morning we wrap up our series in James. We have been unfaithful to God yet He repairs what we have ruptured. God gives more grace. It is from this grace we show grace to one another.


Be honest. When you think about following Jesus, how often do you think in terms of an individual pursuit? How often do you think of following Jesus in terms of the faith community around you?

2. Read James 5:13-20. How many times does James write about how to relate to one another? How does this inform how we ought to think about our faith journey?

3. James highlights five key areas for us to follow Jesus and care for one another: SPEECH, PRAYER, PRAISE, CONFESSION, and RESTORATION. Why does he prioritize "SPEECH" first? What makes our speech crucial in fostering love and connection with each other?

4. Why is it hard to share how we are suffering in with others? Why is it hard for us to admit we are suffering at times? According to James, what is the good in sharing this with others?

5. Why does James mention “the church” (ekklesia) in v.14? What is at stake physically and spiritually when a community doesn’t care for one another?

6. How do v.19-20 reflect the good news of Jesus? Why is it critical to our church to not just be a safe place to be known but also a community who pursues each other with the truth of God? How does James 1:19-21 encourage us to pursue each other when we “wander”?

7. What lesson do we learn from redwood trees as it relates to being the church? Where does this challenge your view or experience of the church? Where might this encourage you in your involvement in this church? 


A Weary World Rejoices, Pt. 1


Stand Sunday : Eyes Up