Advent: The Restoration of What’s Broken

Advent: Restoration of What's Broken
Evan Snyder

Advent, Pt. 1

“The Restoration of What is Broken”

Pt. 1, The Restoration of What’s Broken | Amos 9:11-15

1. Read Amos 9:9-15. What is the story that God is telling?

2. Why can it be hard to believe that God “wants to restore what has been broken” - in you and in others?

3. Why is our human tendency to operate in “protection” mode with God and with others?

4. Read Numbers 6:22-27. What do you think God feels towards you as you read this blessing? Do you live as though God is turning His face towards you or away from you? Why?

5. How does God’s blessings in Numbers 6 help us move to “connection” mode with God and each other?

6. What might your relationship with God look like if you fully believed what Numbers 6:22-27 say about you? What would Grace Hill look like as a community?


Advent: The Restoration of Relationship


An Update from Pastor Allan