Wisdom, Pt. 1 - “Don’t Walk Alone”

Wisdom, Pt. 1

Proverbs 18:1-2, 27:5-6 | Don’t Walk Alone

1. Read Proverbs 1:1-7. What is wisdom? What is the difference between “knowledge” and “wisdom”?

2. Read Proverbs 18:1-2. Why is living in isolation something we are prone towards? When have you been aware of this tendency before? Why does isolation seem enticing at first?

3. Have you experienced somone (or yourself) “breaking out against all sound judgment”? What was that like for you or those around you? Did you (or them) try to give counsel? What was the response?

4. Read Provebs 18:2. According to this, what makes someone a “fool”? Why can it be so difficult to listen to other’s counsel to us? Why can it be so difficult to seek other people to give us counsel?

5. Do you agree that “we need other people to speak into our lives and the decsions we make’?

6. What is friendship and how does it point to the gospel? Why did God create it? Why is it important to rightly understand it as gift from God? (see John 15:15, 2 Tim 4:9-21)

7. Are you “walking alone” in an area of your life that you could use godly help and wisdom in? Would you be willing to share with someone?

8. Are your friendships “thick” or “thin”? How can we build safety in our friendships so that we can be open to help and sound judgement from others? 


Wisdom, Pt. 2 - “What Do You Want?”


Foundations, Pt 4 - “Walking by the Spirit”