Following Jesus is Healing

Following Jesus is Healing | Sunday, April 21, 2024

Psalm 31

  1. Read Psalm 31. What truths does David declare? What hard things isDavid feeling?

  2. Do you ever feel a disconnect between what you feel and what is true?

  3. In what ways might you be feeling that today?

  4. Meditate on v.21-22. What story does David tell? What is the difference between what David felt in the middle of the crisis and what he feels now about it?

  5. Hows does the story in v.21-22 give David courage and faith today?

  6. What does it mean that we “remember our futures”? Can you think of examples in your own life?

  7. Why is it critical that we learn to share with each other what we are feeling in the present and how we have felt that in the past? Why is it dangerous to keep these things private?

  8. What happens when we share the feelings that make us feel most immature with trusted followers of Jesus?

  9. How do we help each other tell our stories more truthfully like David learned to tell his story in v.21-22 more truthfully?

  10. How have you seen this play out in your Community Group or within the church?


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Following Jesus Means New Life