A Weary World Rejoices, Pt. 3

A Weary World Rejoices, Pt. 3 | John 4:7-42 | He Knows You

1. Read John 4:7-26. What do you think the woman felt when this stranger (Jesus) asked her for a drink? What do you imagine Jesus was like during this encounter?

2. Read Genesis 2:24 – 3:10. Do you agree with the statement, “to be known is death”? Why or why not? What did sin do to Adam and Eve’s relationship with God? What did that do to the rest of humanity?

3. What does shame do to you in the way you show up in your relationships? What would you imagine Jesus to be like if He were to expose the most vulnerable or shameful things in your life?

4. Read Jeremiah 2:12-13 and Isaiah 55:1. Why does Jesus say the water He gives will not make someone thirsty again? What is “living water”?

5. Read John 4:29. How is being known by God a reality of His love for us? What changed in the woman being known by God?

6. Read Mark 10:21-22. What was the rich young ruler’s response to being known by God? Why do you think he responded to Jesus in the way he did?

7. Read John 4:39-42. How does being known by God open us up to being Great Commission people? 


A Weary World Rejoices, Pt. 4


A Weary World Rejoices, Pt. 2