Formed, Pt. 3 - Reliable

We continue in our series FORMED – a 10 week discipleship journey on how Christlike character is formed in us. For week three, we stay in 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5 and learn why we can trust that the Bible we have today is an accurate reflection of the Word of God.

Reflection Questions:

• How would you describe your posture towards the Bible?

• How have you seen that posture evolve as you have followed Jesus through your life?

Read Proverbs 3:5-8:

• Where have you found “your own understanding” to differ from the Bible? Be honest! We all have examples.

• Why are we instructed “to be not wise in our own eyes”? What is the danger in this?

• Do you believe God’s Word can be healing and refreshing? How? What would it look like for you to test God’s Word by casting yourself upon it?

• What would you have to give up?

• How would that be humbling?

• What are the risks?

• Who are the people that you are reading and studying the Bible with?

• Can you be honest where you struggle with the Bible?

• Do you help one another to “not lean on your own understanding” but together wrestle with and submit to the text?

• If not, how can you begin encouraging this kind of culture in the group?

• If you don’t have anyone your reading the Bible with, who can you ask?


Formed, Pt. 4 - Complicit


Dirty Theology, Pt. 1