Formed, Pt. 2 - Anchor

We continue a new 10-week sermon series learning about how Christlike character is formed in us and what it means to live life following Jesus. This morning, we study 2 Timothy 3-4 to learn how character is anchored in God’s Word.

This series is designed to be a discipleship tool so the people of the church can help each other grow in Christlikeness. The reflection questions below can be used to specifically apply what we are learning to your life. These questions are meant to be asked and answered in a community setting such as a small group or one-on-one.


1. Review the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Discuss how God’s grace specifically helps each of these fruits grow in someone’s life.

2. Read 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5. As specifically as possible, list all roles that the Word of God plays in the life of the believer.

3. What warnings is the reader given in 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5?

4. Read Isaiah 66:1-2. What do you think it means to tremble at the Word of God?

5. In your own life, in what ways have you been tempted to take away from God’s Word? This question may take some time to answer substantively.

6. In your own life, in what ways have you been tempted to add to God’s Word? This question may take some time to answer substantively.

7. Where do you disagree with God’s Word? Do you allow God’s Word to challenge you and your perspective? When is the last time you felt corrected by God’s Word?

8. What does it means to represent God, His Kingdom, and His Word to the world with gentleness and grace?

9. Why is it vital that we read and wrestle with God’s Word in community with our local church? How does this practice represent God’s Kingdom and help further grow the fruits of the Spirit in us?


Dirty Theology, Pt. 1


Formed, Pt. 1 - Citizen