Highways & Hedges, Pt 2 - Engaging Culture

Highways & Hedges

PT. 2 | Engaging Culture

1. As you think about the culture around us, what sorts of ideologies, philosophies, or worldviews exist? Take a few minutes to brainstorm. What is the ultimate goal of each of these examples?

2. Read Acts 17:16-34. • How does Paul find common ground with those who have different beliefs? • What is Paul’s primary critique of the various philosophies that he encounters? • How is the Gospel of Jesus Christ distinct from these philosophies? • What was the result of Paul’s efforts in Athens?

3. What seems to be Paul’s strategy when it comes to engaging secular culture?

4. What does it mean to respect various worldviews around us without adopting or affirming those worldviews? Is this possible?

5. How does Paul speak boldly to the culture? How do we speak boldly into culture without disparaging or insulting the culture?

6. Why is it backwards to demand moral/right Christian living before sharing the Gospel? Why does this demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the Gospel?

7. How do we guard against syncretism in the church while also engaging the culture around us? 


Highways & Hedges, Pt 3 - How the Gospel Impacts Culture


Highways & Hedges, Pt 1 - Desperate Curiosity