Highways & Hedges, Pt 3 - How the Gospel Impacts Culture

Highways & Hedges

PT. 3 | How the Gospel Impacts Culture

1. Read Acts 19:1-41 and discuss the following questions:

• How does the text make it obvious that God is the one doing the work in people’s lives?

• What was the purpose of the miraculous signs?

• What tangible effect did the Gospel have on Ephesus?

• Why does the town clerk admonish the Ephesians not to panic?

2. As you think about your story, how does God get the credit for how you came to trust in Jesus?

3. What tangible impact did trusting in Jesus have on your life? What changes did you see?

4. Why does panic expose unbelief?

5. Do you feel tempted towards panic as you interact with the culture here in Northern Virginia?

6. Who is the last person in your orbit that you think would respond to an Easter invitation or a conversation about faith?

• Pray for that person as a group.

• What would it look like to have the courage to engage them?

• What do you long for the Lord to do in their life? 


Easter Sunday 2024


Highways & Hedges, Pt 2 - Engaging Culture