Highways & Hedges, Pt 1 - Desperate Curiosity

Highways & Hedges

PT. 1 | Desperate Curiosity

  1. Reflect on your own story. Who was the person that led you to Christ? What questions did you have about life and faith during that journey?

  2. Read Acts 16:16-40 and take note of our four observations in the text: • Paul’s faith was obvious. • The jailer had a moment of desperate curiosity. • Paul’s awareness made him a safe landing spot for that curiosity. • Paul puts the needs of the jailer above his own.

  3. Would you say your faith is obvious to your neighbors, co-workers, family members, and friends? What fears or concerns might you have when it comes to expressing your faith to others?

  4. Have you ever had an experience with a neighbor, family member, or friend where they had “desperate curiosity” about life and/or faith? Share the story.

  5. What does it mean to have “awareness” of your neighbor? How did Paul demonstrate this? Why is awareness a profound kind of love? Why does it make you “safe” to approach if they want to talk about faith?

  6. Paul allowed himself to be re-incarcerated when he had a chance to flee. Is this wise? How would the wisdom of our age respond to this kind of selfless act?

  7. How could a simple act of inviting someone to Easter or a Community Group hang out potentially create the circumstances where you are that safe landing spot when they experience desperate curiosity? 


Highways & Hedges, Pt 2 - Engaging Culture


The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 2 “Division Destroys the Gospel”