The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 2 “Division Destroys the Gospel”

The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt. 2

Division Destroys the Gospel

PT. 2 | Division Destroys the Gospel

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-25. Why is Paul so concerned about divisions in the church? What divisions have you observed or experienced within the church? Why was that so harmful?

2. In v.10, why does Paul appeal to the Corinthians “by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” to be united and to have “no divisions among you”? What is he teaching the Corinthians about God’s desire for them?

3. What does it mean for all followers of Jesus to be united? What makes this unity difficult? Why do you think that is?

4. In v.12-13, why does Paul rebuke the church for “following” different leaders? How is this a problem in today’s celebrity culture within the Church? How can we be grateful for the different gifts within the Church while not forming allegiances to particular individuals?

5. What is Paul’s answer to the challenge the Corinthians face to be united? How is unity not the same thing as uniformity?

6. Read vv. 18-25. How does Paul confront the cultural headwinds regarding leadership and true authority with the Corinthians?

7. What is the power of God (see v.23)? How should that unite us as church at Grace Hill in light our cultural and social contexts? 


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The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 1 “The Calm Before the Storm”