The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 1 “The Calm Before the Storm”

The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt. 1

The Calm Before the Storm

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. What stands out to you in the opening of this letter about God’s character? Why do you think Paul begins the letter in this way? 

  1. Read Acts 9:1-6 and 18:1-11. How does understanding Paul’s story help you understand his heart behind this letter to the Corinthians? Paul says he’s “thankful” for the church(es) in Corinth (v.4). Why do you think he feels thankful for them amidst all the issues he’s having to deal with?  

  1. How can we grow in gratefulness to God for our church family while still being aware of the problems? 

  1. 1 Corinthians 1:2, Paul says “to those sanctified” and in v.9, he uses “called”. What do these words mean? What significance do these words have for us today? 

  1. Paul says he’s “thankful” for the church(es) in Corinth (v.4). Why do you think he’s thankful?  What does this communicate about God’s grace to us when we sin and fall short of His standards? 

  1. Verse 8 uses the word, “sustain”. The Greek translation means “to confirm, establish, to render constant and unwavering”. Why does Paul reassure the Corinthians about their spiritual security? How does that encourage you? 

  1. How does understanding the cultural/religious context of Corinth help us read and study this letter? How might this help us think about the culture we live in and its impact on our lives? 


The Broken Becomes Beautiful, Pt 2 “Division Destroys the Gospel”


What is the Bible About, Pt. 6